In the dry season , the cow is free on the rice field , people would look for their cow at evening, Sometime people just can't find where are the cow? in the countryside people just let the cow free for a whole season and they will look for them when the rainy season starts.sometimes, their cow lose and sometime they have got more cows, because some of them give birth some baby cows
as for jagewara, his family live near the town where the cow could not free overnight, otherwise, the police would catch the cow and fine some money. one day after the cow back to the hut and he closed the gate, the cow broke the gate and out for eating some corn and banana at the garden while jagewaras was taking the bath down the house ( Use the water from will ), he was so angry when he saw the cows out and ate the corn and banana. he chased the cow into the hut and he hit onto a white cow by a long wood strongly and a white cow imediately down as if she got shot. later he back to take a bath with a little worried about a white cow, he was scared and worried the cow would die and then his mother would kill him, he went back to the hut agian and saw a white cow stands with a big swellen on the neck. he was so glad and regretful at the same time. that time on, he treated very well a white cow and other cows . the relationship between jagewara and cow were really deep ,he loved the cow as friend. one day, his family needed to sell out the cow to take some money for expeneses , Jagewara saw with his eyes when buyer pulled the cow, he remember very well, the cow didn't seem to go and leave from him and the house, jagewara almost lost his tear and when he saw the cow slowly walked after the buyer, especially the white cow .
jagewara was not so busy after the cow had sold, but he missed those cows, the cows those never return back to the hut. He missed those cows, the cows those he spent his childhood with them. Later, Jagewara was busy at taking care of buffaloes , the cows was sold, but buffalo must have been kept, because the bufflalo is the most important to help the farmer work at the rice field.
Many year later, jagewara graduated his high school and he received the scholarship to study at University of Laos, his mother had sold some of bufflalo due to no one take care of those bufflalo. a year later, Jagewara received the scholarship to study aboard and before he left the country, he visited home and visited his family and bufflalo, the bufflalo remain reconized him as a good friend, but some of those bufflalo didn't reconize him. because some were new members. Jagewara has left the country to study in aboard for 5 years and 3rd years he returned home and visited his mother and cousins. the city hasn't changed a lot since he left the country, but he felt very exciting and strangeful, the city, the road, the house looked very old compared to the past few years. his mother looks older, his newphews and nieces appear in front of him, he was really supprised to see them. those kid hadn't born yet when he left the country. as for the bufflalo, those bufflalo didn't seem to reconize him after 3 years, bufflalo were new members, the old buffalo were sold out and his mother only kept a few.
His mother remain kept the bufflalo untill today, People always asked" why don't you want to sell out, Mother"?
" I miss my sons and whenI see the bufflalo it reminds me my kids and re call a memory" his mother says
Jagewala and cows, bufflaloes were very close friends, he is still thinking of them.
Jagewara and his cow story
Based on True story, In thakhek, Khammuane Province
Written: Bout
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